Sylvie DonnaSylvie Donna Sylvie Donna founded Fresh Heart Publishing in order to make a contribution to the world of birth—to make birth a better experience for mothers, babies and caregivers. Her own books on birth promote informed choice by providing informative and reassuring reading for mothers, or thought-provoking material for caregivers, e.g. Optimal Birth: What, Why & How. Her aim is to inspire creative solutions to age-old problems by collating key information and posing important questions. She has three daughters, all of whom were born entirely normally, without any drugs or interventions, and each was breastfed for two or three years. As well as continuing to contribute to the work of Fresh Heart, she is a Teaching Fellow at Durham University, teaching on the MA in TESOL and Applied Language Studies as well as on postgraduate and undergraduate courses to support academic study (particularly writing skills). She also continues to write for other publishers, such as Cambridge University Press, for whom she has written Teach Business English and English Pronunciation in Use (for which she wrote material for the CD-ROMs). |