What does it take to write a book?What does it take to write a book? AN IDEA... Every book starts with an idea. It may be vague or extremely specific. The main thing is that it inspires you and motivates you to do take it seriously. COURAGE... Perhaps we all suffer from self-doubt at times. Every author needs the courage to take action which validates his or her self-belief and self-confidence. Even if you're not at all sure you can carry off what you're idea suggests, you'll never know the answer unless you actually take that step and do something about it. CREATIVE FOCUS... Of course, as well as inspiration, it takes a lot of ongoing creative energy to bring a project to fruition. That's where we come in at Fresh Heart. We believe in supporting and nurturing new authors in whatever ways seem appropriate for individuals. Already, different authors have required very different types of support. We're flexible so that we can help you to be the best possible author and in order to achieve that we have to experiment and stay very closely in contact with you. That's why we value communication and the open sharing of ideas so much. PERSISTENCE... You have to keep going if you're going to actually get a book into print, whether it's a book you can hold in your hand or one which you read on your e-reader. Almost every project which Fresh Heart has undertaken so far has felt like it might never get completed at some stage in its journey. But somehow the energy and inspiration has returned at those moments of doubt and difficulty to take us on through to the final stages. Perhaps there's a time for everything in life... Is your time to share your ideas now by any chance? Would you like us to help you develop that idea into a book which other people can use either for information or inspiration? If so, email author@freshheartpublishing.com. |