Fresh Heart... Another World?

Fresh Heart... Another World?

WHAT KIND OF WORLD? Fresh Heart Ltd is the name of the publishing company. Within this there will be various imprints. So far there is Fresh Heart, which publishes books on birth and related subjects. Next, is Another World. This imprint will publish books which take readers into another reality... another experience of life on this planet. The aim of doing this is either to provide information and support to people who are being forced, through circumstance, to enter another world in their lives, or to help people who are considering big changes to think them through and access useful information. Some readers may also want to read books published by Another World so as to get a better understanding of what loved ones are going through.

WHICH TOPICS WILL THE BOOKS COVER? The very first Another World book is about sight impairment in general and the experience of getting a guide dog in particular. It is an autobiographical account of one man's journey into a world where the visual aspects of experience become just a memory, or a tantalisingly frustrating flashback as sight comes and goes, and then fades away further. By reading David Lucas's account perhaps you or a loved one will not only get some reassurance that life still can be wonderful, but also plenty of practical support through the ongoing suggestions the author makes and also the contacts at the back of the book. We are currently exploring the possibility of developing a book on hearing impairment. If you are interested, please email Someone is already writing a book about being a missionary. This is a very modern missionary working with people in difficult circumstances and trying to make a contribution - turning ideals into action. Another author is writing a book about the condition known as either 'ME' or 'the tiredness disease'.

A WORLD OF POSSIBILITIES... If you're interested in writing something about another world you've experienced, which you would like others to understand better, do get in touch. Either click on 'Contact us' or email