News and opportunities

News and opportunities

WITH APOLOGIES... The Fresh Heart website is currently undergoing a complete transformation. Unfortunately, for reasons entirely beyond our control, the process is proving to be far from smooth. (We do apologise for any confusion or inconvenience caused.) Please be patient and things here should soon look much, much better!

WOULD YOU LIKE TO SUPPORT FRESH HEART? Click on the 'Contact us' link left if you would like to become involved. Perhaps you could write material (based on your experience), help with research, editing, or donate photographs. There's a lot to do which needs doing, so if you have a heart to help please get in touch! Incidentally, if you've already agreed to help and have not heard from us for a while, please be patient. Publishing is a lengthy process... you will be contacted again in due course. We really appreciate your support.

INTERESTED IN HELPING WOMEN GIVE BIRTH? Become a doula! Michel Odent and Liliana Lammers regularly run courses for women who would like to become doulas. Each three-day course teaches what doulas should know about pregnancy, breastfeeding and birth physiology, building on the practical knowledge they have from their experiences of giving birth. The course also covers ‘hot topics’ such as nutrition in pregnancy, ultrasound scans and early multiple vaccinations. See for more info.

WANT TO HELP PEOPLE IN PAIN? Sheila Kitzinger regularly holds Birth Crisis Workshops at her house in Oxfordshire. To find out when the next course is taking place and to reserve a place, visit the Birth Crisis website or email